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Flash, Lighting, Strobes, Triggers, and Tethering Underwater with Gutierrez Photography

Rebecca and Marco Gutierrez, of Gutierrez Photography in Alaska, put together this tutorial for using flash, lighting, strobes, trigger, and tethering underwater.  The video help professionals incorporate different lighting options for underwater photography, differentiate their work, and create memorable, unique photographs.  

The photo equipment used includes Canon cameras, the Outex underwater housing system, and Elinchrom strobes for lighting. For the purposes of this Blog we are being specific with the equipment used, but virtually any camera could have been used (film, DSLR, Mirrorless, and/or some medium format), and the same can be said for the lighting and cabling system.


  • Canon 5D mk 4
  • Canon 16-35mm f/2.8
  • Canon 24-70mm f/2.8

Outex Gear:


Gutierrez Photography provides a wide array of photography services; seniors, portraits, family, dance, wedding, and more.  They believe photographs are an important gift we give our future selves and family. Photographs become part of a family’s history. They are among the few things most of us own that are truly irreplaceable if lost. 

Flash, Lighting, Strobes, Triggers, and Tethering Underwater with Gutierrez Photography

You can learn more about Gutierrez Photography and see examples of their work here.

Gutierrez photo sample

See alternative tethering & triggering lighting solutions in the Outex Blog.

Here's one example:


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