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Making Waves with Professional Photographer Daniel Bommarito

San Diego based professional photographer Daniel Bommarito, together with his brother Jeff, have spent their lives exploring natural landscapes and creating artist photography.

Professional photographer Daniel Bommarito using Outex waterproof covers

Their artwork features over 100 curated collections featuring iconic locations that depict the mood, color, and abstract artwork of the western United States.

Professional photographer Daniel Bommarito using Outex waterproof covers 2


Making Waves with Professional Photographer Daniel Bommarito

Never settling for the ordinary, Daniel discovered Outex years ago while looking for professional solutions that would enable him to push his boundaries in any environmental condition; dirt, dust, sand, mud, or in the water.

Professional photographer Daniel Bommarito using Outex waterproof covers 3

Daniel has been a featured ambassador for several years.  You can explore his profile and work on his website as well.

Making Waves with Professional Photographer Daniel Bommarito 2

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