Swimmer Magazine Featured Outex founder, Olympic swimmer's journey as an athlete, and entrepreneur, full circle in & out of the water.
Special thanks to SWIMMER magazine editor and staff, photographer and Outex ambassador Brett Stanley, reporter Rachel Axon, and photo editor Craig Ring.
Behind the scenes
Over the last few years JR and Outex have helped publishers and content creation entities worldwide with waterproof imaging gear for cameras and now smartphones. Some of JR's images have been published by Forbes Magazine, Swimmer Magazine, Lumix/Panasonic, Nikon, the LA Times, and several others.

I'm grateful to my customers and ambassadors for constantly helping me learn about photography & videography - both of which I love. And I'm able to draw from my time in both Silicon Valley and Hollywood studios for a greater understanding of how imaging is made (literally & figuratively). From working on line-doubling technology, high-definition television, the DVD, and broadcasting technologies at companies like Philips, TiVo, and Samsung, I had a great understanding of the hardware and physical aspects of content creation. My subsequent time with studios like Disney, MaximumTV, and Dreamworks Animation fed my intellectual curiosity about software, story telling, and distribution of content, amongst other business elements of production and licensing. I've enjoyed every aspect of each step, and appreciate being able to leverage that experience into another personal passion - imaging and Outex.
I always think of my photos as stories, and I usually paint a mental picture of the story I'm trying to tell before using the camera to help me illustrate it. When Swimmer magazine contacted me about this article I didn't want it to be different, so I tried to come up with concepts that represented my journey and encapsulated my story. I was lucky that world-class artists Brett Stanley and Craig Ring help bring my vision to life (better than I could).