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ESPN Body Issue features Sarah Lee's photoshoot of Surfer Lakey Peterson

Long time collaborator and ambassador Sarah Lee's recent photoshoot with Santa Barbara Surfer Lakey Peterson was featured on ESPN's Body Issue 2019.

Outex ambassador Sarah Lee's work on ESPN Body Issue 2019 9

Outex ambassador Sarah Lee's work on ESPN Body Issue 2019 8

Outex ambassador Sarah Lee's work on ESPN Body Issue 2019 7

Outex ambassador Sarah Lee's work on ESPN Body Issue 2019 6

Sarah Has never been one to seek attention or be in front of the camera, but her work speaks for her, and it's getting noticed.  ESPN asked her to capture Lakey Peterson's "expose" for its 2019 issue and Sarah delivers.  You can learn more about Sarah's history and use of Outex on her website SarahLee.Photo and on her Ambassador feature page.

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