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Panasonic Lumix S1 Mirrorless Full Frame Camera Ad features Outex

Panasonic's new Lumix S1 Mirrorless Full Frame Camera advertisement features Outex underwater housing system.  Lumix tapped one of it's Ambassadors, award-winning cinematographer, professional photographer, and former Kitesurfer Jamie Hancock to showcase the S1 camera's new capabilities.

Jamie created a short clip about his experience, and the Lumix Ad recaps it. below.

Lumix S1 Campaign - Holi | Through the Eyes of Jamie Hancock from jamie hancock on Vimeo.


Lumix S1 Campaign - Holi | 30 Second Social from jamie hancock on Vimeo.

Jamie says "Because it's glass, and attaches to the lens filter, it's better than other housing solutions I've tried.  And I've tried many.  It's light, compact, and makes for great travel-friendly solution for all kinds of environments, whether it's kitesurfing, rain, beach, or the Holi Festival recently." 

The ad profiles Jamie's travels thru colorful, yet inhospitable environments such as the 2019 Holi Festival with the new Lumix S1 prototype camera to showcase it's video & cinematography capabilities.  This wasn't the first time for Outex at the Holi Festival, but more and more professional photographers are turning to Outex for their camera needs in and out of water.

Speaking of water, Jamie is no stranger to underwater photography, having been a champion kitesurfer.  Here's a sampling of Jamie's work with the Outex housings in Cape Town and the UK.

Surfing with the Lumix S1 from jamie hancock on Vimeo.


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