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Using Outex on Medium Format Cameras - Phase One Digital Transitions

Multiple medium-format Photographers around the world use Outex underwater camera housing with their Pentax, Phase One, Hasselblad, and other cameras. Digital Transitions is one of the largest Phase One distributors in the United States and asked to test Outex with their cameras in Los Angeles, CA. Here's a quick overview of the installation, operational use, and optical/visual testing. We were using the Large Pro Kit cover, 105mm optical front glass, and viewfinder-mounted rear glass "floating" configuration. The tripod mounted rear glass would also work, but we're considering making a Phase One viewfinder mount.

Digital Transitions invited Outex for a meeting at their LA offices so they could help advise customers inquiring about the product in inclement, adverse environments.  Phase One cameras are known for being some of the best digital imaging tools in the world.  These cameras are not weather-sealed, and wary photographers want useful, cost-effective ways to protect their investments in the rain, dust, or other potentially harmful environments.

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In addition to trying the current large Pro Kit covers on their cameras and various accessories to ensure functional control was maintained, Digital Transitions tried a couple of different lenses that may be suitable for outdoor photography use.

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After the functional tests were met satisfactorily both for the hard, programmable buttons and multiple LCD touch screen displays on the camera and accessories, Ken Scott from Digital Transitions also conducted a special optical test with the Outex 105mm front glass sample we provided to ensure that Outex's American glass optics would meet the stringent visual standards that a Phase One type customer would expect.  

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Utilizing a 35mm lens and their Capture one software for analysis, the unanimous conclusion was very favorable, indicating minimal to indiscernible variations in an A/B testing between using or not using the Outex front glass optics.

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